Thursday, October 24, 2013

What do you value...

So, there has been tons on my mind for a little while now, and I've decided I might write some to keep my brain from kicking into overload.

I’ve been approached a number of times in a number of areas with regard to what I value.  It’s quite typical and at times a positive aspect of life to bring into question our values. And it shouldn't surprise many there are those superior humans who have taken the role of doing this for others; after all, it’s always a great service to point out differences that might lead others to conform to our higher ways of thinking. You might note here I enjoy sarcasm, especially in light of our fleshly nature, since we have the tendency to think we have it all together when it’s really just a yarn ball mess of loose ends.

I’ve heard quite often what we invest our time, energy and resources in is usually evidence for what we value in life. So, with this logic, you could conclude I value, eating, shelter, warmth, church, and my family among other things. Of course, while these areas of my life are apparent, there are those areas of our lives hidden behind doors. What’s so amazing to me is those things aren't really hidden at all, not from a God when He holds our transparent heart in His hands.

I wonder what He might see as being valued by us through our daily activity in action. I bet there are those who have regard for things like, this world, this life, our comfort, the easy way, and of course we can’t forget me, myself and I. I mean, half the time I hear a testimony of what God has done in someone’s life it is filled with uplifting one’s self in an attempt to gain attention. Really look at comments you've made, Facebook statuses posted, and maybe even prayers you've prayed and see how many times you refer to yourself rather than the power of God. Let me stop right here and let you know, I’m not writing to point fingers on the big rotten spot on your fruit, I am just getting these words out there and noticing my own decay of unrighteousness.

The first hang-up I mentioned was this world. Which brings me to James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

Anything this world has to offer should be a red flag for us to turn in the opposite direction. In fact, we need maybe to run or sprint the other way. This world and its breeding ground for corruption is the last thing we need as God continues a separation in a time of harvest (Matthew 13). I’ve seen those wrapped up in their favorite television show, favorite political discussion, or an image set before as an idol for what we think life should be like disguised as an American dream. None of which should be of high value in our lives when taking into account our eternal life.

Anyone can see comfort and the easy way is a concept served on a silver platter by our culture. Have someone else do all the work for us and we will enjoy its produce. This is quite saddening and very present in the typical church environment. We go to a service in a building where fellowship serves us well, and we tend to forget all the dedication and hard work behind the scenes by those who are truly following after God’s mission He has called us to fulfill. Granted, we can’t all be the same part of Christ’s body as the church, but I must have missed the section declaring sitting and enjoying everyone else’s blessing without freely giving of ourselves as a working body part.

All of those values leading us to corruption and a sad ending are those wrapped in self. It’s quite clear there is something bigger, something bigger than just my happiness, my fulfillment and my existence. We all have our own areas where self flares its big head. Personally, I don’t have the problem of being wrapped in making myself a pretty image for the world to see. It’s a rarity for me to take the time for makeup, and yet, I’ve heard others say they couldn’t step out the door without putting their face on for the day. Really, is that the face you want to construct?  I also don’t take lightly the jobs God has given me and neglect His commission to be a parent. I won’t leave my kids to the wolves in sheep clothing. It is an area of life where I tend to be more assertive. But, then again, it doesn’t mean I don’t have my own areas where values should come into check.

However, with all this said and the simple knowledge given where values are those things in life we give energy, time and resources; I have to add a little something. It is those things we will sacrifice for, die for and live everything for, that are valued more highly. Now don’t jump to any conclusions. I’m not here to provide you a hierarchy of things to value. It should be God first and then He will assist you in all other areas. Trust me; it took me a little while to realize this after being fed the list of God, husband, children, church, blah blah blah. In a moment by moment life, God is the one who should keep our motives and values in check, not the prideful person with a telescope on one eye and a beam in the other.

With all this rambling, just try to remember when we sacrifice, die for and live everything for the mission God has set before us; we can see a bigger picture worth valuing.   

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