Sunday, October 2, 2011

What we will endure for a child…

I’ve never been so exhausted. I feel as though my back has broken in half at my rib cage with every muscle requesting a vacation. I am continually told I shouldn’t be tackling certain daily tasks the way I do in my condition. My condition being that I am pregnant.

Aside from the physical strain on my body, the waves of nauseating moments and limitations (mostly bending over) I have faced throughout the last 9 months, I still have to embrace the thrill ride of delivering the child who currently wants to kick her way out my side. Sounds a bit crazy, right?

Well, women volunteer their bodies to the growth of children every day. They endure ridiculous morning sickness, or anytime sickness. Then they move on to never receiving rest from an average of 20 to 40 pounds of extra carriage. Lastly, labor can take hours spent with contractions, possibly pain medicine and pushing like no one has ever seen.

All of this for a little baby who usually cries the first time they see you. Of course, Mommy doesn’t care about all the pain and suffering she may have felt, she is looking at beautiful blue eyes, tiny hands and this small baby bundled ready for her arms.
Many have said this in past; I know I have, that a mother’s love is similar to God’s love for His children. To put a different spin on this love, I believe a mother’s love is similar to Christ’s love for God’s children.

Christ volunteered His body up for the growth of God’s children. He endured ridiculous ridicule and torture. Then he moved on to carrying the weight of our sin on His body. Lastly, hours were spent hanging from a cross.

All of this for a little child who usually runs the first time they are introduced to the love of Christ. Of course, Christ doesn’t mind all the pain and suffering He might have felt, because he is looking at a precious child of God ready to love with open arms.

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