Monday, July 25, 2011

Where to find God’s heart…

It’s held between the praying hands of a parent on their last bending knee for the wavering child tossed about by peer influences.

It’s above countless outstretched arms with hands releasing human pride in turn for tears of praise.

It’s captured in the tiny fingers and toes of a wide-eyed newborn clinging to be loved.

It’s tucked away in the empty pocket book of those who have laid down their last dollar to lift up another one’s mission.

It’s surrounding the movement of a healed limber, once subject to the poison of cancer.

It’s connected to the training and teachings of a child as they first learn to pray.

It’s behind the bold stance of teen to abstain from sex until the night of her wedding.

It’s leading in a 20-year marriage going on 20 more.

It’s within the encouraging words of a friend spoken with love and truth.

It’s following the steps of those refusing to play the game of hypocrisy.

It’s foreseeing the last hold of an addiction chain binding up a weary body.

It’s echoing in the cheers of Christ’s salvation given freely to him who confessed.

It’s resting in the peace that surpasses our own understandings.

It’s found where there is a searching soul!

It is all around us. It is God’s own heart. I want to be a woman after God’s own heart.

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