Monday, August 2, 2010

In a wide open field...

In a wide open field, you may see a patch of woods, a house in the far distance, or a road leading to some unknown destination, and you stand there hesitant to move toward one of these choices because the grass growing in the field around you is tall and ever moving. It keeps you from knowing which choice is the definite one, leading to a solid destination that is in best interest of anyone you might be leading.

Okay, so maybe you haven't experienced this feeling in life, but that is where I am right now. I am in the wide open field. The grass is too tall and ever moving to keep me from knowing what the ultimate best decision is for my family. I am stuck by my current position. Life is confusing, and while I know I need to make a move, I don't just yet, hoping there will be a clearing away of the confusion and unknown status.

It is being stuck, not seeing a clear pathway in the midst of the grass, that tears at my mind and soul. If only there was a way I could make a path, but I do not have the tools for such action. God, looking down on me, could show me a way, but for some reason, He hasn't at this time.

I feel as though, this inability to move has met it's duration and it's bondage should be broken. Of course, I know I can not break it alone. I have support, but they too are unable to send me forward in any particular direction.

I will be so happy when the day comes that I am not in this wide open field looking for direction.

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