Thursday, August 21, 2008

Approaching the day...

I am just a few weeks away from my baby's delivery due date. I am dilated 2 cm and at 70 percent. I am excited, but at the same time, I am concerned as to what date the baby will actually come. My aunt believes the baby is coming Labor Day weekend. I would like the baby to hold off until at least Sept. 11 or 12, if not longer. The due date is Sept. 17th, so we'll see how it goes in time. My husband and I began gathering items in a bag to take to the hospital, but it still seems like there is a lot to do before checking in. Next week we meet with our pediatrician. I am relieved that it will be the same doctor my niece has. We also have a few more things to wrap up before the baby comes.

I am glad to be in a transition at work. I have stopped working for the time, but soon I will begin the stages of creating a monthly newsletter for the company I work with. It should work out where I will work from home and take care of the baby.

Okay, well I'm tired already, so until next time.

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