Monday, April 23, 2012

Fornication Among Church Goers

It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you… One of my favorite Christian R & B songs gives a message to move as God tells us because if we love Him then we will keep His commandments. ( Move by Flame) It targets several different areas of our life to do as the Word instructs, but one in particular I value is expressing the need to get out of relationships that are about shacking up rather than having a loving marriage parallel to Jesus’ love for the church.

 “You in that relationship, do you plan to marry her? Love her like Christ loves the church ‘til you burry her? You in that relationship, do you plan to marry him? Submit to him like you are the church or just worry him? If you’re not then pack it up, leave the temptation.”

 I love these lyrics from the song. The lyrics do not leave room for a gray area. We are not to be compromising within the church body when it comes to fornication, and yet we see this throughout our culture. According to facts found on, the United States continues to have one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the developed world. This is probably because by their 19th birthday, seven in 10 teen men and teen women have had intercourse. The Web site continues with lots of information regarding sex education in public schools, including those who use abstinence only educational programs. The programs target pregnancy and multiple partners as their discouragement.

 It astounds me when parents leave it up to the schools to complete all the teachings necessary concerning sex education. Shame on you, if you are a Christian parent and have not laid out a plan to have multiple discussions with your children about sexual intercourse. It should not be a taboo topic, as it was when I was a child.

All my lessons on such issues were given to me by a couple sex education programs running through a few of my classes beginning in sixth grade and ending in my junior in high school. That’s a total of approximately 5 hours my entire teen years for formal education and facts. In addition, television and talk among peers gave tidbits of information.

Sadly, my church-going parents as well as my church gave me the least guidance in this area of life. Occasionally, I heard how bad it was to be sleeping around, and how it doesn’t portray a positive image. I was never told how this type of union with man and woman can become a beautiful part of marriage nor that sex is actually necessary for a healthy marriage.

Of course, I also learned later how so much of what we physically do in a relationship affects you mentally and spiritually. I’m proud to say because a counselor took the time to have an intimate conversation with Brandon (my husband) and I at an engagement retreat, I took a completely different view of sex and we saved that union for after we made our life commitment to one another. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen for most teens.

Even with my engagement to Brandon, this was such a life alternating experience, and meant a great deal to our relationship. (So, even if you are engaged, sex is for after the I dos.)

 When someone has little guidance they blindly follow one action to the next leading to an unknown destination. I wonder how this has an effect on the many teens I hear moving into a bedroom with one another.

 I started this article with words from 1 Corinthians chapter 5. Paul is addressing the church about fornication found among them and gives word to put away the wicked. The Bible I am reading from is a teen bible with devotions, or challenges periodically throughout the Scripture. In this case, it says that Christians should beware of other Christians who intentionally keep sinning.

In my opinion, this is where so many of the church members knowingly flow into the sanctuary with the person they slip into bed with as an unmarried couple. (Notice I say church members, not Christians, as only God knows if they are truly following Christ)

 This Bible reads, “Do you have a friend whose behavior drags you down day after day? Step back and think about taking a break from them for a little while. If they ask why, be honest.” I want to emphasize, BE HONEST. Be honest and use the mouth God gave you to share His word about this thing so many dance around called fornication. Just because it is the norm to shack up and you can find every “reason” in the world for why a couple “has” to live with that type of arrangement, does not flower it up enough to make it okay. Fornication is still wrong, but while this is very true, sexual intercourse is still very right for those God has joined together.

 So, take time to read what God says about this big part of life. I mean, it’s how God creates life. And then, pass the knowledge God gives you to others. It doesn’t have to be a hushed topic.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

short & sweet

Found an old poem I wrote in a notebook while helping Autumn practice her letters... so figured, why not throw it up here.

A prayer long forgotten
in its simplicity
told in secret and
thought to be lovely
brought about a relationship
in its purity

A perfect match
him to her
set on rotation
with love and splender
giving all thanks
to our Creator

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Too many lanes in my head.

I have definitely neglected my blog on a personal basis. I cheat and just slap on articles I have written and call it a day. However, this morning I felt like just chatting in a more informal manner.

Life is crazy, especially, when my brain works faster than I can keep up. I have the joy of tackling parenthood with the two most unique, beautiful girls. I am not longer working outside the home full time, so much of my time is spent at the house doing mommy duties. I'm not complaining, makes for a very flexible schedule, which is probably why I always have a million things going on at once.

They (not sure who this encompasses) say a woman's brain is like a multi-lane interstate. Thoughts and ideas traveling in all directions all at once. We, as women, have the task of grabbing on to one of these lanes and running with it, hoping we don't get a mile down the road and switch to another lane. This describes me in a nutshell.

When I first decided I would not have the opportunity to return to work full time after giving birth to my second daughter, I thought that I could probably become a substitute teacher ( I have my Missouri Sub. Certification). Later, I jumped on the idea I could watch a child or two at my house. In May I will begin watching an infant part time. I have also thought about extending my writing into free lancing for fun. Of course, now I have taken hold of my love for photography, hoping to nurture the love into a small business to enjoy some time outside the home.

In addition, my full time position as a mother brings along an agenda. The highway of motherhood has picnics at the park, play dates when possible, doctor appointments, gymnastics and educating my 3-year-old with kindergarten readiness, and that's just the tip of the ice berg.

Oh, and we cannot forget my time spent planning mealtimes and cleaning house. On most days, my husband is blessed to walk in from work shortly after 5 p.m. to a hot meal traveling from the stove to his plate. Plus, I'll be managing our veggie garden soon since we just planted cucumbers, bell peppers and tomatoes. I sometimes have time to do couponing for groceries as well. Just writing about all this can make someone exhausted.

Most importantly, it is my desire to take on the massive interstate of lanes running through my life in a way that is pleasing to the Lord with His will for my family in mind. This is a big load on my shoulders. Probably why my favorite time of the day is in the quietness of a hot shower, that is, if it isn't interrupted by a 3-year-old yelling from a distant, "Mommy," with what is a desperate need of some sort.

So, when 8 or 9 p.m. approaches, yes I am tired. And even if I appear to have done nothing for the day, just all this running through my brain is enough to wear me out.

With that in mind, my computer time is coming to an end. I have to get two kids ready to go out the door, which takes way too much time. I have to feed a baby who at 5 months old continues to refuse a bottle. I have to take my 3-year-old to gymnastics where I pray she listens to the teacher the majority of the time without trying to kill herself for the pure joy of falling to the floor. I have to run by a store having a sale on some items I need to pick up for my photography and a party I am hosting this weekend. All of this before lunch.

Of course, keep in mind, I might be tired, but I have a smile in the midst of this hectic lane switching because I know I am blessed.