Monday, July 25, 2011

Be Used By God

Sometimes God uses the imperfect people with flaws to show His power where He can receive the glory He deserves. (This is similar to a phrase I heard spoke on television.)

2 Timothy 1:9 Who hath saved us and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.

According to God’s purpose and saving grace is much better than the standards we lay at each other’s feet, or even at our own.

Is it a lack of confidence, direction or laziness keeping us from reaching out as God’s hands? I would imagine everyone would have to answer this for themselves. If I were to categorize my lack of motivation at any given time according to the statement above, it would be a combination, making me human.

I think first we need to know we are flawed, but what makes us amazing as saints, is that God can anoint us with His righteous power. Many have heard “we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us.” Well, it isn’t well known in vain. We, as humans, need to be reminded on a regular basis we are capable of doing more. We don’t need to lean on our crutch of what we are incapable of completing, but rather, taking hold of the tools only God gives us to do the job. The only person holding us back away from the path laid out with God’s will is ourselves. In addition to having joy through our salvation, we can have strength and confidence.

Philippians 1:25 And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith.

Once you realize who you can be with the Lord, now you need direction. You are ready to move, but to stay in His will, you need His guidance.

It can be as simple as your conscious or conviction leading you to know what is right or wrong in a moment and as in depth as searching Scripture for a message and purpose in your life.

For instance, I recently studied Titus. With my research, I learned elder women and men are called to be helpers in teaching younger generations how to interact with their families. The older women are to lead young ladies in how to raise their children and love their husbands. It would be incredibly special for someone to impact a family in such a meaningful and positive way. (Titus 2:3-5) However, with children’s negative behaviors and a lack of commitment running throughout families, I am pretty sure we dropped the ball on this one.

God’s Word is a light for our feet so we know which steps to take. Relying solely on another person’s telling of Scripture and beliefs is not personal enough to continue to feed God’s purpose into our lives on a day to day basis. So, the next step would be having our own knowledge with application, and these two will set us apart.
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Lastly, we must fight laziness and unwillingness. If our mindset is at a place where we think others can do the job God has laid out for us or find every excuse to remain slack, then we are wrong. We should have an eager heart ready to follow Christ and further the kingdom of God with the resources we have.

One of the biggest resources we have is God’s love. God love d us enough, and now it’s our turn to love others in the same manner.

We don’t need to meet high scholarly standards to love another person and make a difference. A person may be limited with their vision according to talents or intelligence, but they are always capable of love.

Through Christ’s love we are able to receive salvation along with a Holy calling on our lives where we can reach beyond our understanding into a new realm of purpose. Of course, it takes a willing heart in obedience, confidence in who you are with God and God’s guidance throughout your life.

Be Used By God

Sometimes God uses the imperfect people with flaws to show His power where He can receive the glory He deserves. (This is similar to a phrase I heard spoke on television.)

2 Timothy 1:9 Who hath saved us and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.

According to God’s purpose and saving grace is much better than the standards we lay at each other’s feet, or even at our own.

Is it a lack of confidence, direction or laziness keeping us from reaching out as God’s hands? I would imagine everyone would have to answer this for themselves. If I were to categorize my lack of motivation at any given time according to the statement above, it would be a combination, making me human.

I think first we need to know we are flawed, but what makes us amazing as saints, is that God can anoint us with His righteous power. Many have heard “we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us.” Well, it isn’t well known in vain. We, as humans, need to be reminded on a regular basis we are capable of doing more. We don’t need to lean on our crutch of what we are incapable of completing, but rather, taking hold of the tools only God gives us to do the job. The only person holding us back away from the path laid out with God’s will is ourselves. In addition to having joy through our salvation, we can have strength and confidence.

Philippians 1:25 And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith.

Once you realize who you can be with the Lord, now you need direction. You are ready to move, but to stay in His will, you need His guidance.

It can be as simple as your conscious or conviction leading you to know what is right or wrong in a moment and as in depth as searching Scripture for a message and purpose in your life.

For instance, I recently studied Titus. With my research, I learned elder women and men are called to be helpers in teaching younger generations how to interact with their families. The older women are to lead young ladies in how to raise their children and love their husbands. It would be incredibly special for someone to impact a family in such a meaningful and positive way. (Titus 2:3-5) However, with children’s negative behaviors and a lack of commitment running throughout families, I am pretty sure we dropped the ball on this one.

God’s Word is a light for our feet so we know which steps to take. Relying solely on another person’s telling of Scripture and beliefs is not personal enough to continue to feed God’s purpose into our lives on a day to day basis. So, the next step would be having our own knowledge with application, and these two will set us apart.
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Lastly, we must fight laziness and unwillingness. If our mindset is at a place where we think others can do the job God has laid out for us or find every excuse to remain slack, then we are wrong. We should have an eager heart ready to follow Christ and further the kingdom of God with the resources we have.

One of the biggest resources we have is God’s love. God love d us enough, and now it’s our turn to love others in the same manner.

We don’t need to meet high scholarly standards to love another person and make a difference. A person may be limited with their vision according to talents or intelligence, but they are always capable of love.

Through Christ’s love we are able to receive salvation along with a Holy calling on our lives where we can reach beyond our understanding into a new realm of purpose. Of course, it takes a willing heart in obedience, confidence in who you are with God and God’s guidance throughout your life.

Where to find God’s heart…

It’s held between the praying hands of a parent on their last bending knee for the wavering child tossed about by peer influences.

It’s above countless outstretched arms with hands releasing human pride in turn for tears of praise.

It’s captured in the tiny fingers and toes of a wide-eyed newborn clinging to be loved.

It’s tucked away in the empty pocket book of those who have laid down their last dollar to lift up another one’s mission.

It’s surrounding the movement of a healed limber, once subject to the poison of cancer.

It’s connected to the training and teachings of a child as they first learn to pray.

It’s behind the bold stance of teen to abstain from sex until the night of her wedding.

It’s leading in a 20-year marriage going on 20 more.

It’s within the encouraging words of a friend spoken with love and truth.

It’s following the steps of those refusing to play the game of hypocrisy.

It’s foreseeing the last hold of an addiction chain binding up a weary body.

It’s echoing in the cheers of Christ’s salvation given freely to him who confessed.

It’s resting in the peace that surpasses our own understandings.

It’s found where there is a searching soul!

It is all around us. It is God’s own heart. I want to be a woman after God’s own heart.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Looking at phrases with a different perspective…
By Melissa Cotter

Why do we put the ball in God’s court, He’s already won the game. We just need to know what team we will have played with when the buzzer sounds.
I heard today in a prayer, “God save them,” and I’ve heard in past similar statements. While no harm is intended with this prayer, do we stop and realize that God has already saved them (everyone)? God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost have already worked a great deal on the behalf of those who have accepted the Gospel as their lifestyle and those who have not.
We ask God to save souls, to find the lost, to do this and that. What makes you think He hasn’t already accomplished this task, and how often do we ask anything of those living an ungodly life, since it is their choice? God already gave His love and salvation. What words do we offer in regards to how God has already set up a plan and purpose for their life? My guess is not a whole lot, and I say this in reflection of myself.
Before we can speak with confidence to those who turn away the love and salvation God offers, we need to own to the fact that God has already done His part. He has already handed out a path of salvation; the ball is in their court. We don’t choose who God saves and doesn’t, He took care of everyone when Christ said it is finished, sacrificing more than we could ever know while hanging from a cross, offering His blood and body.
Next time you feel the tendency to pray for what you might think is a “lost soul,” realize they are not lost. God knows where they are, and though they may be deceived, God has given them the same precious gift of a loving salvation with admission into heaven. Of course, it balances on their choices.

Leaving off with the thought of choices, makes me ponder more on God giving free will. We have the Lord’s will for our lives, we have what we perceive as His will along with our own, and then we have the guidance already laid out with Scripture.
I read a church sign on my way to work every day. Many times the message is uplifting or provokes me into deep thought at 6:15 a.m., which is pretty good work considering I’m still half asleep at this time. Once I read a comment in regards to Jesus controlling everything. I was a little bothered by the statement.
I thought to myself, if Jesus is in control of everything wouldn’t that mean He is making choices for us? I have read a number of times through Scripture there are those who follow after His will and others who turn from Him.
He is said to be a gentleman, giving free choice to people. Yes, He wants the best for us and for us to be our best, similar to a parent and child, but if He is in control of everything it takes away from our consequences and rewards connected to our own actions.
Though Jesus is all-powerful and can work miracles in our lives, He usually is able to help “control” our lives when we are hand and hand walking with His steps making the choice to change ourselves from the inside to the out.

Okay, so I drove past this church sign this morning. It said, “Serving two masters will leave you half-hearted.” Pretty clever, but my first reaction was that Scripture tells us that we cannot serve two masters. It isn’t a possibility. If we are half-hearted with God then we aren’t serving Him as our master, leaving us with only one master, (if you can do the math).
If you love God with all your heart, you will keep His commandments. It doesn’t say if you love God for this part of your life and this corner of your heart you will keep some of His commandments. We really need to have our thoughts and desires in check when it comes to serving God as our master. He cannot be played.
He said that if you are luke-warm, He is going to spit you out. That means it’s an all or nothing lifestyle with the Lord. I’m not sure “half-hearted” servants will make Heaven their permanent home; just a thought.